I can't believe that Michael is 3 months old now. Where on earth has the time gone to?!? We took him to the baby clinic this morning for his second lot of vaccinations and for a general check-up. He was a very good boy and only cried a little, but when he did cry there were TEARS! He has never cried with tears before and it broke my heart to see it. Phil and I are already wrapped around his little finger, but if tears are going to be thrown into the mix then we really are in trouble. Before I forget, here are Michael's 3 month stats:
Age: 3 months and 1 day old
Weight: 6.8 kg (15 pounds)
Length: 63.5 cm
Head circumference: 40.5 cm
Current temperament: Peaceful
Current location: Lying in his pram (again)
The above photograph shows him sitting in his
Bumbo. It is only in the last couple of weeks that he has had the muscle strength to sit in it without his head flopping a little. He hasn't decided if he likes the Bumbo yet. He is a nosy little chap (like his father) and likes to be on the move all the time, so his preferred location is riding around on Mummy or Daddy's shoulder.
As I mentioned previously, Michael is the star of his own webcast once a week. My parents get to coo over him on Saturday morning. This Saturday, he was very chatty and gave them lots of conversation, smiles and giggles. When he is in a good mood, he chats all the time so it looks like he is going to be a chatterbox like his mother (poor child.) Conversation for him takes up every ounce of his strength. He doesn't just chat with his voice - his arms will be waving around like windmill blades, his eyebrows waggle and expressions chase their way across his face in quick succession. Phil and I love it.