Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Why is there never any consensus where baby issues are concerned? After Michael's first tooth came through I realised I would have to clean it with something - but what? There seem to be four schools of thought:

  1. Clean with wet gauze after every feeding
  2. Clean with wet gauze after every feeding and clean with toothpaste once a day
  3. Clean with toothpaste that does not contain fluoride once a day
  4. Clean with toothpaste that does contain fluoride once a day

What the hell?!? Some dentists say that toothpaste is bad for children under two; some say that breastfed babies are more at risk of cavities; some say that fluoride is dangerous for babies; some say that fluoride supplements are necessary in certain situations. We've gone for a less severe version of option 2 (toothpaste and cleaning several times a day with gauze - not after every feeding).

I have always been guilty of over-thinking things but good grief - the supposed baby experts don't make it very easy for me.

Speaking of guilt - I discovered today that I should have been supplementing Michael with vitamin D since birth. This is because breast milk only contains low amounts of vitamin D - the baby gets the balance of what they need from sunlight. Given that Michael's routine is exceptionally nocturnal, and that in The Netherlands he isn't going to get enough direct sunlight in winter, a supplement is necessary. I immediately convinced myself that he was going to get rickets due to my ignorance (I haven't had much sleep lately...) and Phil and the baby clinic had to convince me that it would be fine.

Still not 100% convinced... ask me again after I get a decent sleep...

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