Age: 3 months, 4 weeks and 1 day old
Weight: 7.635 kg (16.8 pounds)
Length: 66 cm
Head circumference: 41.5 cm
Current temperament: Quietly alert
Current location: Sitting on his Daddy's knee watching Emmerdale.
He had his third set of vaccinations today and, again, got very mad when the nurse jabbed him with the needle. She said "Does he always go that red in the face?". I replied "Only when people are pissing him off..." He has a high pain threshold (like his father) and a low tolerance for being messed around (like his mother). The minute I picked him up after the vaccinations he stopped crying. If only all problems could be solved that easily.
We also had an unexpected trip to see the doctor this afternoon. The nurse at the baby clinic had noticed a lump under the skin above his left eye. It is under his eyebrow and only really noticeable when he cries. The clinic thought that it was simply a fatty lump and nothing to worry about, but we needed to get it checked out with our doctor. The doctor also agreed that it is a fatty lump (proper name is a lipoma). She took the measurements and we have to return in a couple of weeks to determine whether it has grown. There is the possibility that it will stay with him permanently and also that it will grow as he does, but nothing is certain at this point. If it grows then it could disrupt the sight in his eye which is why the doctor needs to keep an eye (no pun intended) on it.
So... my little fat lump has a little fatty lump. I have been affectionately calling him Fester Addams because he has a little head wobbling around on such big shoulders but I think I might call him Lumpy Addams from now on.
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