Merry Christmas to all!
I've finally found the time to write an entry now that Phil's mum, Linda, has returned to England. She came out on Saturday to spend Christmas with us. Michael was exceptionally well-behaved on the day that she arrived and sat peacefully in her arms for quite some time. Unfortunately his teeth started to cause him some upset late in the evening and he was *very* grumpy through Christmas Day and Boxing Day. He wasn't really smiling or making eye contact - he was just dribbling a lot and shoving anything within reach into his mouth.
His bad mood didn't stop him from reaching a new milestone, though. He is now rolling over from his back to his front. Michael is a very nosy baby and doesn't like to spend much time lying down. He prefers to be carried around so that he can have a babble at the bookcases and supervise whatever is going on in the house. He has never wanted to spend any time on his front so I haven't pushed it. I put him down on his back under his activity arch on Christmas Day and before I knew it, he had rolled onto his front and looked for all the world like he was going to crawl off (note to self - buy baby gates!) It was lovely that Linda was here to see it.

Here is a photo of Michael in the outfit I chose for him for Christmas Day. It was supposed to be a Christmas pudding outfit but I abandoned that idea for two reasons. Firstly, it would have been a bit of a squash because he is so long in the body. Secondly, I decided to leave him his dignity (for now!)

Michael is still exclusively breastfed, but we decided to sit him up in his new highchair during Christmas dinner. He quickly caught on with the new toy in front of him. It is a spinning toy with all kinds of whistles and bells to capture his imagination. All he has to do is bash it to make it spin. No problem for Destructo Boy ;o) He has, what we call, his bashing arm. He loves to pump his right arm up and down with quite some force and scatter anything in reach. I'm amazed he hasn't left any bruises! He bashed himself in the eye the other day and is now using his bashing arm a bit more gingerly.

I love this photo. Sadly, it is a bit grainy because of the low light in the living room, but I managed to capture three generations of Gleghorns in the one place and all looking at the camera.

Michael decided to investigate Phil's beer. He doesn't get to sample the contents for a good few years yet! It will probably be round the back of the school bike sheds in 15 years time, drinking something like Merrydown cider...

I suspect that Michael may have decided to start rolling over so that he can watch television... Thus begins a lifetime of being a telly addict.
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