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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Tis the season to go ping

Our old Toyota Corolla, named Myrtle, has a fabulous sense of timing. Phil's mum is coming to stay on Saturday and we need to do quite a bit of last minute shopping, so Myrtle has picked this as the perfect time to fall to pieces. She is quite an old car and something big usually breaks during the winter but this year she is heading for the scrap yard.

Phil was on his way home from work in the dark yesterday when the drive belt went as he was going round a roundabout. There were ditches on either side of the road and I'm amazed that he didn't end up in one of them. What if we had been on the motorway doing 120km/h when it had happened?? It doesn't bear thinking about. Myrtle doesn't have tinted windows or air conditioning so is an absolute punishment to drive anywhere in during the summer. So... her time has come. Bye bye Myrtle. This little episode did bring forth some very welcome acts of kindness. Several people helped Phil push the car onto the verge and a lovely gentleman in one of the nearby businesses crossed two roads and a roundabout to bring Phil a cup of coffee while he waited for the breakdown service to arrive. Phil had had to go into this gentleman's shop to ask to use a phone because he had left his mobile at home. He never forgets his mobile so this is another example of Myrtle's fabulous sense of timing.

The garage that the car was towed to is going to examine Myrtle today. There is a good chance that when the drive belt broke, some components in the engine were damaged so we will probably have to get a rental car for the Christmas period.

In baby-related news, Phil got a small taste of what breastfeeding is like yesterday. Michael decided to have an evening where he did little but feed and I briefly passed him over to Phil whilst I did a couple of chores. Quick as you like, Michael latched onto Phil's nose and started sucking furiously. Phil thought it was funny initially but his nose quickly began to suffer from Michael's over-enthusiasm for the task. Matters weren't helped by Michael blowing dribble up Phil's nostrils at the same time. I couldn't locate the camera fast enough to take a picture so this amusing event will have to live only in my memory. Phil tells me that his nose is still sore this morning. Tee hee ;o)

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