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Monday, January 15, 2007

Baby-induced hysteria

Picture, if you will, two otherwise intelligent, educated and rational people huddled at the foot of the stairs and giggling like schoolgirls in an anatomy class. Baby-induced insomnia can lead to one of two things - a short fuse or a fit of the giggles. I don't think I have giggled like this since I was a teenager. Anything can spark it off and it is most likely to happen when we need to be quiet because Michael is sleeping. Last night we were both snorting and snickering for a good ten minutes before we composed ourselves enough to go up to bed. Having a baby is undoubtedly one of the hardest things we will ever do and I am tremendously grateful that we can see the humour in it (most of the time).

Oh... and don't bother to ask me why I'm still awake at 4am...

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