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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Baby-induced insomnia

Well... here I am again... awake at 5am. After my last post Michael finally went to sleep and last night we had to medicate him again. I'm not willing to automatically assume that the teething is going to interfere with his sleep so I get him ready for bed as normal and put him down to sleep to see how he copes. If he doesn't, then it drags the bedtime out but at least I'm not needlessly medicating him. Tonight was particularly bad and he is, again, dosed up on paracetamol and asleep. I really, really do not want to give him paracetamol on a regular basis so I sincerely hope that this tooth shows up soon.

The downside to dealing with Michael's sleep problem is that Phil and I end up wide awake and slightly on edge at ridiculous hours of the night. Now, the sensible thing to do would be to wind down with a hot, milky drink and some soothing classical music on the radio, but we aren't sensible people. So I'm chatting on Instant Messenger and blogging my woes. Phil is - pause whilst I ask him - browsing, blogging and resisting the urge to stuff himself full of food.

Speaking (or more accurately, writing) of urges, I've got the urge to rewrite Dracula in the style of Terry Pratchett so if I am still awake in an hour or so I may start on that...

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